The Thangool Cup is by far the stand out event of the Spring racing season. Held annually in September punters love the experience of the raised green lawns of Forde Park Racecourse. The crowd get swept away in the excitement of the running of the Thangool Cup. Immerse yourself in the colour and excitement as […]
The Biloela Autofeste is held in Biloela annually. Happening on 17 September 2022 Biloela Autofeste is bigger than Ben Hur! His four wheels has nothing on the slick, hot, weird […]
Join the friendly Taroom locals at Leichhardt Park, Taroom from 9am and celebrate World Rivers Day on the banks of the mighty Dawson River. Find an unexpected gem, something new to wear, funky hand tool or crafted specialities there is something for everyone. See you there!