Upcoming Events

Banana Sports Committee

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  3. Banana Sports Committee
Events from this organizer

Banana Time Trial Races 2021

Banana Sports & Recreation Grounds Banana, Queensland, Australia

Join the friendly local larakins to experience a full day of quality outback time trials and entertainment featuring horses from all over the Banana Shire. Enterainment includes fashion on the field, live music, free kids activities, a variety of food vendors, 2 x licensed bars and VIP tent with privately fenced trackside frontage to really […]

Banana New Years Eve Bullarama

Banana Sports & Recreation Grounds Banana, Queensland, Australia

Save the Date and celebrate the start of 2022 in a unique way! More details to follow.  

Banana Time Trial Races

Banana Sports and Recreation Grounds Leichhardt Highway, Banana, QLD, Australia

Join the friendly local larakins to experience a full day of quality outback time trials and entertainment featuring horses from all over the Banana Shire. Enterainment includes fashion on the field, live music, free kids activities, a variety of food vendors, 2 x licensed bars and VIP tent with privately fenced trackside frontage to really […]

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